Be your Best
We all want to achieve our goals as easily as we can. Tune your running to enhance your efficiency, speed and endurance simply.
With runVIBE we have developed a solution that takes the key ingredients of your running technique, calculates one running metric to rule them all and then transmits it to a standard sports watch or smart app from a small wearable bluetooth sensor worn on the leg.
“Running is easy, we all know how, except it isn’t and we don’t !”
– Lisa Whiteman, Running Biomechanist
Have Fun – The Vibe Signature
runVIBE knows your unique running signature and personalises your training
Add meaning to your Training
Track your improvement from run to run and know how your technique changes over time and with coaching input. Learn how your unique physical attributes can be combined to make you the best runner you can be. Add to what makes running flow.
The runVIBE Sensor
- Comprises a Sensor module and interchangeable strap\\\\clipping system.
- Built on a Nordic Semiconductor BTLE\\\\ANT+ system which comprises an ARM Cortex microprocessor, blue tooth low energy\\\\ant+ radio and supporting components.
- Both high and low G triaxial accelerometers and a triaxial gyroscope
- The software has been developed using C\\\\C++ programming languages.
- The runVIBE sensor hardware and software is Patented – PCT/NZ2019/050020 – A system and method for determining power and propulsion efficiency of a limb during limbed propulsion

How does runVIBE help me be my Best ?
The value provided by the runVIBE sensor is a combination of the key aspects of elite runners style that have been identified in research as fundamental to their running techniques,
The runVIBE solution creates a hybrid Running Efficiency value based on assessing this combination of these key aspects for your running technique. You can use this value to enable gains and progress quickly.
Running efficiency is important because “Motion with good running economy/efficiency will use LESS ENERGY than motion with poor running economy/efficiency at the same running speeds.” This means you can run FASTER and FURTHER for the same effort.
Why should I use runVIBE ?
Simply – No other running sensor available today, provides a easily understandable and accurate value which provides a measure of how well YOUR running technique is converting your EFFORT into forward MOTION and then helps you to IMPROVE your running technique, both in real time and post exercise.
runVIBE disrupts the current trend towards ever more complex solutions to help you achieve your goals by providing one single metric which encompasses the core factors which contribute to improved running technique.

Your running technique coach beside you every run
runVIBE doesn’t care how you look, just how you run. You or your coach can get immediate feedback on suggested improvements to your running, enabling faster more efficient progress in achieving your goals.
How can I use runVIBE during training ?
During training or even competition, you can use runVIBE to –
- Determine how beneficial any changes are to your technique immediately and in real time.
- Monitor running technique during training\\\\competition to ensure the most economical style is maintained.
- Determine how fatigue impacts your running technique.
- Determine which shoes provide the best efficiency for your running signature\\\\technique.

How runVIBE Works
Combining the key elements of the best running styles defined by latest research, runVIBE collects hundreds of samples every second while you run and calculates a metric showing how well your running style moves you forward through providing a single number that reflects your techniques comparison with elite running styles.
What does runVIBE measure ?
The runVIBE sensor measures Three Key Running Metrics –
- Maximum velocity of the runner during the flight phase of a step.
- Ground contact time of the runner during a step.
- A force vector related to peak tibial acceleration or shock during the ground contact phase of a step.
These values are combined mathematically to produce a running metric which is indicative of the efficiency or economy of the runner to transfer their energy or effort into forward motion.

The runVIBE Signature
Every runner has a technique which is unique and is the outcome of both our individual biological makeup and the neurological patterns, that drive our motion, which we have imprinted through training.
runVIBE uses multiple small sensors ( accelerometers and gyroscopes) which capture hundreds of individual measurements every second. These measurements can be plotted on a graph and represent each unique individuals running pattern.
As can be seen, while runner “A” and runner “B” have similar waveforms there are distinctive differences which contributes to each individuals style and these differences are directly related to the running efficiency differences between average and elite runners.
runVIBE for Running through Injury
All runners experience niggles and injuries as part of their running journey.
Injury happens when the demands placed on the runners body exceed the tolerance of tissues to be able to adapt.
It’s a case of too much too soon.
While recovering from an injury or managing a niggle it is optimal to be able to fluidly adapt your running load on injured muscles, tendons or bone, keeping you moving and helping you heal.
Recovery is training in the presence of injury. runVIBE helps you get there.