Vibe Medical
A unique tool for improving patient running assessment.
Clinical Use Case
- Medical professionals worldwide are using low cost sensor technology such as accelerometers and gyroscopes to provide more comprehensive data on their patients to enable better clinical outcomes in patient treatment.
- Enables in clinic measurement of the effect of suggested gait changes for both injury prevention\rehab and running efficiency improvements for the sports physician.
- Enables the clinician to assist the runner in selecting a better running shoe Shoe – runVIBE gives immediate feedback on how a particular shoes features such as weight, heel lift, midsole material and other construction particulars influence the efficiency of that runner. Lower power values indicate a shoe which may be better for the runners particular style.

runVibe Capture
- A microsoft windows application which captures and saves the patients treadmill analysis to a file for clinical analysis and historical records.
- captures running economy/power, peak tibial shock, ground contact time and maximum center of mass velocity of the patient.
- Connects to the runVibe sensor using Bluetooth.